Flag On The Play
By: Douglas K. Rosenblum
On Friday, January 17, 2014, Dauphin County Judge Todd A. Hoover denied motions to block the testimony of Cynthia Baldwin, the former General Counsel of Penn State, in the criminal trial of ex-Penn State President Graham Spanier. Baldwin represented Spanier during the investigation of former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky. Baldwin has reportedly told a grand jury that instead of cooperating with investigators, Spanier hid information and sought to keep Penn State’s Board of Trustees in the dark about the expanding criminal investigation into Sandusky’s actions.
Counsel for Spanier and his co-defendants, former Penn State VP Gary Schultz and former athletic director Tim Curley, accused Baldwin of breaching the attorney-client privilege. Judge Hoover has denied the defendants’ motions to block Baldwin’s testimony as premature, but the Court has given the defendants 30 days to file new documents to support their argument that Baldwin breached the attorney-client privilege.