December 4-5, 2023
Pietragallo partner Scott Coffina will present “How to Run an Effective and Ethical Diversion Program” at the Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative (PAARI) 2023 National Law Enforcement Summit held in Boston, MA on December 4-5, 2023.
Mr. Coffina will be speaking alongside Melissa O’Mara, Assistant Prosecutor in the Burlington County, NJ Prosecutor’s Office. Mr. Coffina was the County Prosecutor in Burlington County, NJ for five years.
More information can be found here.
November 16-17, 2023
Pietragallo partner Jeremy Abay will be speaking at the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (PACDL) 2023 White Collar Practice Seminar held November 16-17, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA at The Ritz-Carlton. He and his co-panelists, Mark Sheppard of Klehr Harrison Harvey Branzburg, LLP and Sarah Hyser-Staub of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC, will be speaking on “Simon Rights: Defending Your Client’s Reputation and the Presumption of Innocence.” Mr. Abay was recently published in The Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly discussing Simon Rights.
Pennsylvania is one of the few states whose constitution explicitly identifies reputation as a fundamental right. Courts in the Commonwealth have construed the right to reputation as requiring state actors to afford due process, including notice and an opportunity to respond, to any person whose reputation is threatened by a grand jury report or other state sanctioned publication. Their panel will discuss how this unique constitutional right can be leveraged or otherwise factors into strategic decisions as you defend your client’s reputation and presumption of innocence.
Further information and registration can be found here.
October 3-6, 2023
Pietragallo partner Scott A. Coffina will be presenting at the Police, Treatment, and Community Collaborative’s (PTACC) 2023 National Deflection & Pre-Arrest Diversion Summit taking place from October 3-6, 2023 in Denver, Colorado. Mr. Coffina’s presentation “Coloring Inside the Lines: How to Run an Effective and Ethical Diversion Program”, will take place on October 4th.
Drawing upon his experience as the former County Prosecutor of Burlington County, New Jersey, Mr. Coffina will discuss both running an effective police-led intervention program and operating said program in a way that avoids the ethical pitfalls that can plague the treatment industry. He will be joined by Melissa O’Mara from the Burlington County Prosecutor’s Office. The program will highlight the importance of choosing and vetting the right partners, the Eliminating Kickbacks in Recovery Act, support for police and recovery coaches operating the program, as well as oversight, transparency, and accountability.
Further information on the conference can be found here.
May 17, 2023
Pietragallo partner Marc Stephen Raspanti, seasoned litigator and founder of Pietragallo’s Qui Tam & False Claims Act practice group, will be a speaker for the Federal Bar Association’s “False Claims Act Today” discussion focusing on the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The event will be held virtually on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at noon and offers free registration.
The panel will feature a Senior Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, a federal judge, and counsel who will provide both relator and defendant insights on this unique practice area.
Interested? Click here for more information.