In today’s environment, the government has never more aggressively regulated, investigated, pursued and prosecuted white collar crime. If you or your company becomes embroiled in any type of federal or state government investigation, you need experienced trial lawyers who have gone toe-to-toe with prosecutors and government agents.
The attorneys of Pietragallo’s White Collar Criminal Defense practice are experienced in every aspect of a complex white collar criminal case. We routinely conduct internal corporate investigations and develop strategies and solutions to avoid or minimize the risk of criminal charges. We monitor and shadow government investigations and defend against all types of grand jury investigations. We represent corporations, executives and individuals before state and federal grand juries and a myriad of federal and state regulatory agencies. At all times, we are focused on and concerned about the collateral consequences of a criminal indictment or conviction, such as debarment, civil liability, exclusion or suspension from federal and state programs and revocation of professional licenses. When necessary, we possess the experience to defend vigorously our clients at trial, sentencing and appeal.
The firm has successfully represented:
- Corporate executives and businesses charged with price-fixing and other federal antitrust violations.
- A corporate officer of a large clothing manufacturer against allegations of fraud in obtaining a multi-million-dollar loan.
- Numerous health care professionals and healthcare executives accused of every type of health care fraud by state and federal prosecutors.
- High-ranking government officials in political corruption investigations.
- A senior executive of a publicly traded home health care company being investigated for possible violations of the Anti-Kickback Act.
- A large manufacturer accused of defrauding the Department of Defense in relation to the sale of sophisticated military hardware.
- Various municipal agencies in the investigation of the use of millions of dollars of federal funds earmarked for urban renewal.
- All types of professionals charged with violating federal and state tax laws.
- An executive of a mutual fund company accused of improper market timing and late trading.
- Executives of a closely held corporation accused of bankruptcy fraud.
- An executive of the nation’s largest environmental remediation company in an investigation related to the alleged fraud in the remediation of a major Pennsylvania Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) site.
- Prominent clergymen and religious organizations accused of state and federal crimes.
- NYSE-listed financial company before the SEC in an investigation of a sub-prime lending program, including irregularities in accounting and loss reserves, and disclosures to shareholders and the SEC.
- Contractors accused of fraud in the provision of goods or services under government contracts.
- Individuals accused of illegal campaign contributions under the Federal Election Campaign Act.
- National Banking Association and publicly traded bank involved in large-scale irregularities in lending operations.
- Securities broker in appeal of federal securities fraud conviction resulting from five-week trial involving allegations of a complex multi-state securities fraud conspiracy.
Obviously, some of our most successful representations are the ones we can never discuss.